Guest performance: Punk-rock-theatre solo based on texts by Wolfgang Vincke
What is German, what is Turkish and what the hell am I? The struggle involved in the quest for one’s own identity comes straight from the heart of Aylin Esener. Accompanied by musicians Anton Berman (synthesizer) and Niels Kurvin (electric guitar) she declares war on clichés and a society that often seems to prefer the foreign to remain foreign. She speaks of desires, dreams, reality, and the great divide between modern times, tradition, political demarcations and the wealth of mutual giving and taking.
Aylin Esener’s voice can do most anything: lyrical songs, ecstatic shrieks and quivers between celebration and the torments of hell, a Turkish In the Ghetto that ends up a cabaret-style ballad. Memories of a protected yet free childhood are seamlessly interwoven with glorious Vincke texts that Esener/Kurvin artfully estrange when the cruel fate of “Ayse S.” is discussed with merciless, sketch-like disinterest. An evening to quake, laugh and cry and an absolute must to see, hear and experience! (Aachener Nachrichten, 2007/03/03)