A Singspiel by Hakan Savaş Mican
Asiye and İIyas Elevli and Füsun and Kubilay Erdemir are friends, neighbours, relatives. They live in Mariendorf, share meals at least three times a week, have the same sofas, the same refrigerators. This world is too narrow for Asiye. She dreams of swimming naked at night, not knowing which shore she will arrive at. The wallpaper on her wall has a Cuban motif. But Cuba is far away. So Asiye creates a mythical parallel world for herself, where she is a different, a happier woman.
Die Saison der Krabben (Season of the Crabs) is a musical comedy with Anatolian folksongs. Just like the species of “Halloween Crabs” that have to cross the coastal road in order to return to their place of origin, the Elevlis and Erdemirs develop life strategies to avoid going to rack and ruin.